Un ruolo importante nell'economia di Colazza è senza dubbio
svolto dal turismo; la felice collocazione (in posizione panoramica
sui laghi Maggiore, di Varese e di Monate), affiancata da un'adeguata
presenza di abitazioni residenziali e di ristoranti, ha permesso lo
sviluppo di questo settore.
Tourism has an important role in the Colazza economy. Position (on Lakes Maggiore, Varese and Monate), accompanied by an adequate presence of dwellings and restaurants, has allowed the development of this sector.
Chiesa Parrocchiale
La chiesa parrocchiale dedicata all'Immacolata sorge in posizione
panoramica: dal sagrato si può godere una della viste più
ampie di tutto il Vergante sul lago e sulla pianura. Edificata nel
XVII secolo e ampiamente rimaneggiata nel XIX secolo, la chiesa conserva
nel coro un bell'affresco raffigurante la Beata Vergine Maria, San
Grato e il Bambino, attribuito alla scuola di Gaudenzio Ferrari e
trasferito nella parrocchiale da una cappelletta posta un poco più
a monte. Andrea Francinetti e figli, pittori in Gignese, dipinsero
intorno al 1850 il portico e le volte.
Parish church
The parish church of the Immacolata stands on a beautiful spot: one of the best views in the whole of the Vergante region over the lake and the plain can be enjoyed from its grounds. It was built in the 17th century and heavily altered in the 19th: the choir contains a handsome fresco showing the Blessed Virgin Mary, san Grato and the Child, attributed to the school of Gaudenzio Ferrari and moved to the parish church from a chapel a little further up the hill. Andrea Francinetti and his sons, painters from Gignese, decorated the portico and the vaults in about 1850.
Chiesa parrocchiale
dell'Immacolata |
Un particolare dell'ingresso
affrescato |
St Bernardo church
The church of san Bernardo, patron saint of mountain dwellers, is a little square in the centre of towns; its construction can probably be dated from the early 14th century. In front of the façade is a portico above wich, in a lunette, a fresco depicting st Bernand walking in the Alps can be seen. The attractive bell tower with a steeple is covered with the typical “piode”, or slabs of rock, frequently used in mountain districts for roofing buildings. Inside, behind the altar, is a picture showing the Madonna and Child with St Bernard and san Carlo; at the sides are the four recently restored paintings of the Evangelists."Casa Mazzola": particolare delle decorazioni raffiguranti Paesaggi d'Oltralpe Casa Mazzola original frescoes |
Fontane e cappelle
devozionali Fountains and devotional chapel Colazza is a town with plenty of water. Along its streets and alleys the visitor frequently comes across stone fountains with running water; it is interesting to note that near the fountains there is always a devotional chapel. One of there can be seen in san Bernardo square; another, with a picture of the Crucifixion, is at the crossroads with via Regina Margherita, with a stone fountain and sink next to it. In the highest part of town is another fountain with a chapel dedicated to the Madonna next to it. It is also near “Casa Mazzola”, which has some original frescoes showing views of the countryside over the Alps where in the past one of the Mazzola family, an enthusiastic hiker and mountaineer, often went.
sentieri del Vergante
Con il toponimo Vergante i geografi indicano il fianco orientale delle colline che fiancheggiano a ovest il bacino inferiore del Lago Maggiore tra Arona e Feriolo; l'area è nota per i suoi fitti boschi e per il clima particolarmente mite. I numerosi sentieri, che attraversano i boschi, sono ben segnati e di facile percorrenza e sono frequentati perchè inseriti in un ambiente che ispira serenità e pace. The paths of the Vergante The name Vergante indicates the geographical area covering the eastern flank of the hills which are along the west of the lower part of lake Maggiore between Arona and Fericolo. The area is well-known for its dense woods and exceptionally mild climate. The numerous paths through the woods are well marked and easy to follow and are popular because of the quiet and peaceful environment. |
![]() Fitto bosco del Vergante Vergante woods |